Paper accepted at HOST 2021
“SynCirc: Efficient Synthesis of Depth-Optimized Circuits for Secure Computation” by Arpita Patra, Thomas Schneider, Ajith Suresh, and Hossein Yalame was accepted at HOST'21.
Thomas Schneider gives Lecture at Series “What's behind it?”
Thomas Schneider will give a lecture on “Protecting Privacy in Applications” at the “What's behind it?” lecture series of TU Darmstadt.
PC members of PPML@CCS 2021
Oleksandr Tkachenko and Christian Weinert are program committee members of PPML@CCS'21.
Demo Paper accepted at WiSec 2021
“DEMO: AirCollect: Efficiently recovering hashed phone numbers leaked via Apple AirDrop” by Alexander Heinrich, Matthias Hollick, Thomas Schneider, Milan Stute, and Christian Weinert was accepted at WiSec'21.
Christian Weinert on CryptographyFM
Episode 16 of CryptographyFM features a discussion about privacy in mobile contact discovery.
Michael Zohner Professor for IT-Security at University of Applied Sciences Fulda
Former ENCRYPTO PhD student Michael Zohner became Professor for IT-Security.
Paper accepted at PoPETs 2021
“SoK: Efficient privacy-preserving clustering” by Aditya Hegde, Helen Möllering, Thomas Schneider, and Hossein Yalame was accepted at PoPETs'21.
Interview by hessenschau
Thomas Schneider was interviewed about contact tracing with the Luca app.
PrivateDrop in the News
Our USENIX Security'21 paper “PrivateDrop: Practical Privacy-Preserving Authentication for Apple AirDrop” is featured in the news!
Two Papers accepted at SECRYPT 2021
Two papers by the ENCRYPTO team were accepted at SECRYPT'21.