Two Papers accepted at ASIACCS 2018
Two papers co-authored by ENCRYPTO team members Thomas Schneider, Oleksandr Tkachenko, and Christian Weinert were accepted at ASIACCS'18.
Paper accepted at EUROCRYPT 2018
“Efficient Circuit-based PSI via Cuckoo Hashing” by Benny Pinkas, Thomas Schneider, Christian Weinert, and Udi Wieder was accepted at EUROCRYPT'18.
CROSSING Collaboration Award 2017
Daniel Demmler and Christian Weinert from the ENCRYPTO Group won the CROSSING Collaboration Award 2017.
Paper accepted at TOPS
“Scalable private set intersection based on ot extension” by Benny Pinkas, Thomas Schneider, and Michael Zohner was accepted at TOPS.
Paper accepted at CANS 2017
“Privacy-preserving whole-genome variant queries” by Daniel Demmler, Kay Hamacher, Thomas Schneider, and Sebastian Stammler was accepted at CANS'17.
PC member of ACM IH&MMSEC 2018
Thomas Schneider is program committee member of IH&MMSEC'18.
PC Member of ACM ASIACCS 2018
Thomas Schneider is program committee member of ASIACCS'18.
Paper accepted at CoNEXT 2017
“SIXPACK: Securing Internet eXchange Points Against Curious onlooKers” by Marco Chiesa, Daniel Demmler, Marco Canini, Michael Schapira, and Thomas Schneider was accepted at CoNEXT'17.
Paper accepted at ASIACRYPT 2017
“More Efficient Universal Circuit Constructions” by Daniel Günther, Ágnes Kiss and Thomas Schneider was accepted at ASIACRYPT'17.
Paper on privacy-preserving face recognition in the news
Our paper on “Efficient Privacy-Preserving Face Recognition” (ICISC’09) is in the news in the context of video surveillance.