Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Schneider
Head of Group
work +49 6151 16-27300
S2|20 208
Pankratiusstraße 2
For inquiries about our undergraduate teaching, please contact digitaltechnik@encrypto.cs.tu-….
I am professor for at the Cryptography and Privacy Engineering (ENCRYPTO) of Department of Computer Science, Germany. Technische Universität Darmstadt
Before, I was independent Claude Shannon research group leader at the , formerly Center for Research in Security and Privacy (CRISP), and postdoc at the European Center for Security and Privacy by Design (EC SPRIDE). I did my PhD at the Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt (CASED) at Horst Götz Institute for IT Security (HGI). Ruhr-University Bochum
My research focuses on privacy, cryptographic protocols, applied cryptography, and computer security.
You can find further information on . my personal webpage
You can also find me on and Twitter LinkedIn
Consultation-hours: please contact me via email.