ENCRYPTO Group organized TPMPC'24 in Darmstadt
The organized the ENCRYPTO Group from June 3-6, 2024 at 10. Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation Workshop (TPMPC’24),. TU Darmstadt
The workshop had 161 participants from 23 countries and 81 organizations. The program consisted of 12 invited talks and 25 contributed talks organized in 15 sessions, a diversity panel session, an industry exhibition, and a rump session.
Thanks to all who contributed to TPMPC’24, especially our main sponsors – the ERC Starting Grant and the DFG Collaborative Research Center PSOTI! CROSSING
Next year’s TPMPC’25 will be organized by Arpita Patra’s at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in Bangalore, India. Cryptography and Information Security Lab (CrIS)