Dr.-Ing. Daniel Demmler
Former Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researcher
I was a doctoral researcher (2013/10 – 2018/11) and postdoctoral researcher (2018/11 – 2019/10) at the at the Cryptography and Privacy Engineering Group (ENCRYPTO) of Department of Computer Science, Germany. In November 2018, I graduated Technische Universität Darmstadt (opens in new tab). Towards Practical Privacy-Preserving Protocols
In November 2019, I started as a postdoctoral researcher at . Unversität Hamburg
Since November 2022, I am a cryptography engineer at . Zama
My research focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of secure multi-party computation and private information retrieval protocols, as well as privacy-preserving applications and their practical realization.
In case you want to contact me securely, send me an encrypted e-mail using my . Its fingerprint: 91DC D028 AA37 E1F9 4D06 1BD3 8740 013C 6881 7144. PGP public key